Thursday, February 16, 2012


Patterns are laid down procedures or structures. A set pattern will always produce the same result when followed. Those who set pattern can always determine the end results of the followers before they get to the end. You cannot follow a pattern and don’t end up in line with the results of the pattern. If you must achieve a different result in the midst of set patterns you need to do a different thing. Like the saying goes, it is insanity to do same thing over and over again expecting different result. Results are for those who work for it. And how you work could also determine your results.  A pattern could be physical or spiritual.

Physical pattern could be visible structures. These structures can easily be dealt with physical combat sometimes. But there are times it requires a spiritual force. On the other hand, spiritual forces are not seen but can be felt. Unlike the physical pattern which is often at a particular place, spiritual forces are always hovering around. An evidence of this is in the book of Job when the sons of God gathered and the devil (symbol of evil spirit) came also with them. God saw him and asked him from whence cometh thou? The reply: From going to and fro the earth. He is never sited in a particular place. No wonder the Bible referred to him like a roaring lion looking for whom to devour.
Spiritual patterns are often negative which I call negative circles thou they are sometimes positive. These negative circles are re-occurring decimals. They can also be referred to as satanic forces.  These patterns could be marital, societal, financial, premature deaths; educational patterns etc that runs in the family from one generation to other. They could be generational curses. The bible made mention of visiting the inequities of His sons upon generations. This alone is evidence that it exists. Until you break out of these negative circles where it is affecting you, you might not be able to experience victory over that particular situation.
This circle brings stagnation, retardations, and all kinds of negative results. But I thank God for the great name; Jesus He has given to us to overcome every plans of the enemy at the mention of that name and the prevailing blood of the son.
There was a time when the children of God use to go to Jerusalem to worship but Jesus came and broke that pattern. The pattern of offering burnt sacrifices existed but it was this Jesus that changed the pattern. Patterns do exist. Those who want to break this pattern will always need to do extra. I mean go extra mile. Some family, late marriages is other but some folks say it sometimes like that. There are families who live on mortgage from one generation to the other. For some, it could be a familiar kind of sickness but the good news is that at the name of Jesus we will be able to overcome.
Breaking out of these patterns requires you to know the kinds that exist in your life or family. Hosea says my people perish for the lack of Knowledge. Patterns sometimes does not require prayer, some need mere application of knowledge. Actually, not everything requires payer some requires mere application of knowledge. Just like Jesus, He did not pray when the devil tempted three times after His forty days prayer and fasting.  Thank God for the bible that helps us to know our right in Christ. No power is able to destroy except you allow it.
Patterns are there, don’t think they otherwise. I know some folks might overlook this.


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