Friday, November 23, 2012

The Holy Spirit is Not a Liar: Teaching by Illustration Part 1

I have read and heard so many teachings on the topic, Holy Spirit.  Some have really written and preach about it extensively. How ever, I really appreciate their piece as it has helped me to gain more insights.

The Holy Spirit, thou we cannot see it with our optical eyes but it is at work in life of every believer. We know it when we have it. The presence of the Holy Spirit makes a whole lot of difference in the life of a believer. We can not actually the sons and daughters of God without the Holy Spirit being at work in us. For every act of worship (service to humanity, praises etc) we render to God without the Holy Spirit it is usually not acceptable. For they that worship Him must worship Him in spirit and in truth. It also the Holy resident in us that differentiates us from those in the world.

Illustration: One faithful day, during a church service, the choir ministration was a great one and the house was filled with a kind of anointing but you will tell the kind later on. Not too long in the ministration, a woman who has lusting after a young man who seats at the corner everyday started shouting and screaming. She staggered like a drunkard to where the man was and said, the Holy Spirit said I should marry you. Immediately, the church kept quiet and was happy about the ministration as both of them where single.    

A moment later the pastor ordered the choir to continue in their ministration promising that God will do more great miracles same day. It was just a few minutes later during the second part of the worship that the brother behaved as if he was now in the spirit walked to where the lady was and told the sister, “the Holy Spirit said I should not marry you”. Laughs!  Permit me to laugh at this point. Is the Holy Spirit an author of confusion? No.

If He says a thing then it shall come to pass. Test every Spirit if it is the Spirit of God.

I have got another illustration but that will be in my next post. Keep to date with the blog by subscribing.

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