Anger is an
emotion related to one's psychological interpretation of having been offended, wronged or denied and a tendency to undo that by retaliation. describes anger as a normal emotion that involves a strong uncomfortable and emotional response to a perceived provocation. R. Novaco recognized three modalities of anger: cognitive (appraisals),
affective (tension and agitations) and behavioral (withdrawal and antagonism). DeFoore. W 2004 describes anger as a pressure cooker; we can only apply pressure against our anger for a certain amount of time until it explodes. Anger may have physical correlates such as increased heart rate, blood pressure, and levels of
adrenaline and
Anger is a natural response to feeling attacked, injured or violated. It's part of being human; it's energy seeking expression. Our anger can be our friend. It helps us survive, giving us the strength to fight back or run away when attacked or faced with injustice. In itself, it's neither good nor bad, but it can be frightening.
Angry feelings can lead to destructive and violent behaviour, and so we tend to be frightened of anger. The way we are brought up, and our cultural background, will very much influence how we feel about expressing anger. You may have been punished for expressing it when you were small, or you may have witnessed your parents' or other adults' anger when it was out of control, destructive and terrifying. Or you may have been frightened by the strength of your own bad temper. All of this encourages you to suppress your anger.
The above explains what anger is.

But now really thinking ANGER is not always negative. There is anger that moves you to get closer to God, success etc. So this kind of anger makes you hate whatever is negative or not working in your life. Anger is emotions. God created us with emotions. We have always thought that anger generally is SIN. It is sometimes appropriate to be Angry. Jesus Christ was Angry in the temple hence HE was able to turn upside down the tables of those traders in the church. Think about the many times anger was used in the bible, you will agree with me that there is (are) positive anger. Sometime we need to be angry to get out of our comfort zone. If you are in debt for example – it might take anger for you to work smarter to get out it. So if you can control your emotions you can get something of your life. There are Holy and Satanic Emotions-feelings. And feelings are God’s gift to men but the way you use it makes the difference. So, everything God made in man is for good only do not allow the devil or flesh to get hold of you. We really have to understand like the bible a man is tempted out of his own lost. Imagine if God had no emotions how much the enemies of the Israelites would have being dealing with them till date. Imagine a father at home without emotions what would become of his children? Our emotion as well helps us to ask God what we really need.
Your Emotions are not supposed to lead you away from the word of GOD or GOD. God made sexual urge, anger, love; they are meant to be used positively because if emotions are not controlled or used positively it can destroy your destiny. The bottom line is that Christians should not allow their emotions to control them but should control it like Jesus. Negative emotions will bring you nothing but positive emotions can bring you harvest because it takes positive emotions to take positive decisions. That is why GOD gave it to us. Anger is a gift from GOD to every man even to JESUS while he was a man here on earth.

You can control your anger (emotions).
Bible says the spirit is subject to the prophet. So whatever kind of spirit it is God that gave it to us because he has given the ability to have dominion over it. God won’t give us what will kill us.
1. Prayer
2. Constant fellowship with GOD
3. Dueling the midst of brethren
4. Study the scriptures and meditate on it.
5. Always be conscious of yourself never to over react.
Omorebe Precious
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