Friday, December 23, 2011


Are members of a church living in one accord like the first church in Antioch? I see a big difference between the church of today and that of the OLD (Jesus and the Apostles) as recorded in the BIBLE. Are we not missing it all? So many church leaders are not following the footprint of JESUS. Are they? The beauty of the church is being lost because of wrong church leaders (including some leaders without focus and vision). In our churches today let’s be careful the way we treat individuals (Rich discriminating against the poor). You are privileged by God's grace to have what you've got already. The church old shared things together. No vacuum was left thou may be created.

There is also this need for the church to begin to empower its members. That is teaching them how to fish and equip them with fishing tools. If the church empowers five in six (6) months, sooner or later in two years it should be reflecting on the church account. Do not forget in haste that those empowered within that two years should be able to empower one (1) each. They will also stand as a living proof in that church. Imagine what it means for a person to get help from a church (He automatically testifies about that church wherever he/she goes). For many churches who just to want increase their account, how much have help have you rendered to your members. Churches are suppose to empower, help you discover your purpose in life, follow your purpose and make sure you achieve goals and then the ultimate, ensure you will be seated at the right hand of God on the last day. Does it mean that this is not included in the core purpose of the Church? NO. A church were you go to and you don’t have a positive shift in your mindset either for kingdom exploits, financial exploit etc is the wrong place. Church leaders, do you think your members will make contributions in the church when they do not have enough to eat?

More painful is the fact that pastors, bishops or church leaders in general are beginning to meddle with the “well placed” in the society because of money. Some leaders will invite them for church not minding where they got their money from. Many (church leaders) say after the program they will sanctify the money with prayer to make it fit for God’s use. Have you ever considered why GOD stopped David from building him a house? Perhaps NO. Let me tell you. David hands were stained with BLOOD. Is it not funny that GOD stopped David even thou HE sent him to the battle field? That is how God hates polluted offering. Read this, a true story. A pastor saw a governor walked into his church, he immediately ask the choir to change song to “those God anointed for wealth are coming” – an Igbo song.

What do you have to say in a church where pastor has set of favourite people in his church? These set of people he gives them preferential treatment like visitation and church positions/assignments. Sometimes the amount of gift you present to him determines if you fall into this group. Should wealth be a criterion? Or is wealth now used to measure HOLINESS? Jesus never did these things. We are warned.

Please I will appreciate your response on this. Do drop a comment or send me an email.

Monday, October 24, 2011

The Power of TITHING.

The issue of tithing should be highly emphasized as many people in the body of Christ are yet to understand the meaning of tithing. From the day, through the help of the Holy Spirit I understood the meaning of tithing, my level of income has never being the same.  Tithe or tithing was not initiated by a man or by your pastor but it is a kingdom obligation for us to fulfil. Fulfilling it is a step in the direction of wealth.  
I can remember before I learnt about this great secret about tithing that before the end of the month, I will be short of cash (My bank account was always empty before the end of the month). Sometimes, I had to borrow money to take care of myself and needs while waiting for the next salary. This might as well be your situation at the moment. But my prayer for you is that as you read this, there will be a turnaround in your mindset about tithing. Amen. One day I listened to one of my bishops teach, DAVID OYEDEPO  about tithing, I told God I want to “bring” my tithe into HIS store house for the next SIX months and I will know if you are really behind tithing. Honestly for the first three month of fulfilling my end of the promise it looked like nothing was going to happen. But from the fourth month my heavens opened and I began to receive gifts in an unusual way, I began to spend less than I earned because I realised the devil has being making me spend or pay bills unnecessarily. The SIX MONTH came and I heard loud and clear from GOD talking to me “Son by Monday you won’t be working here any more, get ready for a new office” I was surprised because this was a Friday afternoon.  But, has he said it, it shall come to pass.  Saturday morning I got the new appointment. Not just that, I was begged to resume on Monday. From that month every other month has been full of  testimonies. The Power of TITHING.
You might say everything is alright with me even though I do not “bring” my tithe to the store house of God. I dare you to “bring” your tithe into the store house of God if your income will not increase. You must have being paying tithe to the devil if you have been doing that to GOD. The unnecessary expenditure I made then was my contribution to the devil. It could be sickness, accidents, infact you name them because according to Malachi 3vs 10, God promised to put away all evil things and bring us good things and even restore the years the waster (devil) has taken from us. Put God to test now and you won’t regret you did.
It is also surprising to know that some pastors do not fulfil this obligation of tithing. It is not meant for your members alone. There are open doors in fulfilling the tithe obligation.
I am careful not to use the word PAY YOUR TITHE because the bible also said “Bring your tithe.” The word payment is synonymous with debt or bills you are owing but "bring" indicates possession. So the one-tenth you of what you earn every month or day is theLORD’s ,“bring”  it to His store house and God will bless you. Read Malachi 3vs 9 – 12 for more.

Wednesday, September 28, 2011


I wonder at the level of moral decadence, how the spirit of indecent dressing  has taken over the society. Nudity is nothing to the males neither to the females any more. A society where Boys now dress to expose their buttocks, under wears etc without shame in the name of fashion. They call it LOW WAIST. And this is eating deep into the society. Before I proceed, I do like to state here for those us who are not aware, Low Waist is a prison kind of dressing that originated from the "white's" prisons. So, if you do like to be regarded as if you are in the prisons? You Must CONTNUE. Hey! But don't forget there is way that seems good to a Man and the end is judgement (condemnation). This kind of dressing is also very common in church. Why won't it be when churches have refused to follow and teach biblical standards? Pastors now conduct marriages where the ladies breast is exposed more than 80% and same kind of dressing for the bridesmaids and bridal train. If the Society is accepting it, should the church also accept this? NO. I watch some marriage ceremonies on TV, and I wonder if the man that joined the couple in marriage is actually a Christian let alone to think if he is a Pastor. If churches (pastors) can't correct this saying "it doesn't matter" I wonder where the change will come from.  MANY PASTORS WILL GO TO HELL am very sorry to say this but it is the truth. Watch this pastors that keeps on saying it does not matter there are usually no difference between them and those in the world. I do not think that there is anything that rubs a man of GOD's anointing (presence) like Immorality. Some deacons and deaconesses in the church are not exonerated as some of their children are disciples of indecent dressing. Deaconess themselves comes to church with their chest 70% open. If a mother in the church is dressing this way, what do you think about their children or those who take them as GOD mother(s). Wait a minute, some pastors wives cannot be left out on this Issue. I don't really know where God will start his judgement. Still talking about immorality, Sex is now very common among teenagers, adolescents and unmarried adults. Teenagers? You may ask. Yes, some do watch Porn and some of them have been caught in the act. WHAT DO YOU NOW THINK ABOUT IMMORALITY AND OUR SOCEITY? Pre-marital sex means nothing to the youth. They say everybody is doing it. Listen, it doesn’t make it right. SEX STILL HAS A PRICE. There is still Joy in sanctified sexuality. 

Another thing that gives me sleepless night is that some of our pastors today are religious pastors. They study the bible like the Pharisees in the bible and work according to the letters. They see the bible like a literature book. These sets of pastors do not have revelations from the word of God. Hence whenever they stand on the podium to teach or preach they tell us mere stories and before 20 min., they are exhausted. If you have revelations from the word of God you can teach the bible for at least 50min.
Like a mentor of mine, Pst. maxwell Ogaga posted on face book recently, "In the 21st Century are exchanging the Gold for brass? Many today are more versed in motivational speakers quote than sound doctrines, are we beginning to lose a generation because of this?  Pastors no longer teach what the bible says (sound doctrines). They teach other things without biblical foundations. Any foundation not rooted in the word of God must fail. Are pastors or teachers of the Gospel then called to be motivational speakers or to teach the gospel. Don't be in a hast to forget that "in Righteousness shall you be established and seek ye first the kingdom of God..." Isa 54vs 14 & matt. 6 vs 33.
I have a lot to say but we shall continue here.
What do you think? Please drop a line.

Precious omoregbe

Monday, September 12, 2011


When it comes to wealth, people pray very well about it. But one thing people are yet to understand is praying it the right way. Right way? Yes. People pray that whoever that is making them poor be... When u pray this kind of prayer and you don't have a positive mind/or think rightly, you go down more in poverty even when your enemy dies or is exposed. How about praying this way? In the name of Jesus I: think positively, have the right mind, have the wisdom for wealth, am working in affluence. Am not saying it's wrong to pray in the formal but no matter how long you pray it and you don't have the mind you won't get it. Sorry, it is not a cause. It is about attitude. Right mindset about wealth will help you welcome it. Money goes and stays in the hands of those who welcome it. Does it then it has senses? Yes, money has its own way of responding to individuals depending on how you handle it, Just like the new born babe. Do you pray and still confess there is no money, everywhere is dried up...? It is time u change. You can't confess failure and get success. You should remember that it is what comes out of your mind you will say and do. So, when you think negatively you certainly find yourself doing negative things. Don't frown or cry. You caused it. But the reverse will be the case when think the right way- happiness, joy that knows no boundaries etc.
Think right all the time so you act right everyday. Always remember this "healthy thought gives birth to healthy actions" Wishing you the best as you are about to change your mindset.

Friday, July 29, 2011


Anger is an emotion related to one's psychological interpretation of having been offended, wronged or denied and a tendency to undo that by retaliation. describes anger as a normal emotion that involves a strong uncomfortable and emotional response to a perceived provocation. R. Novaco recognized three modalities of anger: cognitive (appraisals), somatic-affective (tension and agitations) and behavioral (withdrawal and antagonism). DeFoore. W 2004 describes anger as a pressure cooker; we can only apply pressure against our anger for a certain amount of time until it explodes. Anger may have physical correlates such as increased heart rate, blood pressure, and levels of adrenaline and noradrenaline.
Anger is a natural response to feeling attacked, injured or violated. It's part of being human; it's energy seeking expression. Our anger can be our friend. It helps us survive, giving us the strength to fight back or run away when attacked or faced with injustice.  In itself, it's neither good nor bad, but it can be frightening.
Angry feelings can lead to destructive and violent behaviour, and so we tend to be frightened of anger. The way we are brought up, and our cultural background, will very much influence how we feel about expressing anger. You may have been punished for expressing it when you were small, or you may have witnessed your parents' or other adults' anger when it was out of control, destructive and terrifying. Or you may have been frightened by the strength of your own bad temper. All of this encourages you to suppress your anger.
The above explains what anger is.
But now really thinking ANGER is not always negative. There is anger that moves you to get closer to God, success etc. So this kind of anger makes you hate whatever is negative or not working in your life. Anger is emotions. God created us with emotions. We have always thought that anger generally is SIN. It is sometimes appropriate to be Angry. Jesus Christ was Angry in the temple hence HE was able to turn upside down the tables of those traders in the church. Think about the many times anger was used in the bible, you will agree with me that there is (are) positive anger. Sometime we need to be angry to get out of our comfort zone. If you are in debt for example – it might take anger for you to work smarter to get out it. So if you can control your emotions you can get something of your life. There are Holy and Satanic Emotions-feelings. And feelings are God’s gift to men but the way you use it makes the difference. So, everything God made in man is for good only do not allow the devil or flesh to get hold of you. We really have to understand like the bible a man is tempted out of his own lost. Imagine if God had no emotions how much the enemies of the Israelites would have being dealing with them till date. Imagine a father at home without emotions what would become of his children? Our emotion as well helps us to ask God what we really need.
Your Emotions are not supposed to lead you away from the word of GOD or GOD. God made sexual urge, anger, love; they are meant to be used positively because if emotions are not controlled or used positively it can destroy your destiny. The bottom line is that Christians should not allow their emotions to control them but should control it like Jesus. Negative emotions will bring you nothing but positive emotions can bring you harvest because it takes positive emotions to take positive decisions. That is why GOD gave it to us. Anger is a gift from GOD to every man even to JESUS while he was a man here on earth.
You can control your anger (emotions). Bible says the spirit is subject to the prophet. So whatever kind of spirit it is God that gave it to us because he has given the ability to have dominion over it. God won’t give us what will kill us.
1.      Prayer
2.      Constant fellowship with GOD
3.      Dueling the midst of brethren
4.      Study the scriptures and meditate on it.
5.      Always be conscious of yourself never to over react.

Omorebe Precious

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