Thursday, February 16, 2012


Patterns are laid down procedures or structures. A set pattern will always produce the same result when followed. Those who set pattern can always determine the end results of the followers before they get to the end. You cannot follow a pattern and don’t end up in line with the results of the pattern. If you must achieve a different result in the midst of set patterns you need to do a different thing. Like the saying goes, it is insanity to do same thing over and over again expecting different result. Results are for those who work for it. And how you work could also determine your results.  A pattern could be physical or spiritual.

Physical pattern could be visible structures. These structures can easily be dealt with physical combat sometimes. But there are times it requires a spiritual force. On the other hand, spiritual forces are not seen but can be felt. Unlike the physical pattern which is often at a particular place, spiritual forces are always hovering around. An evidence of this is in the book of Job when the sons of God gathered and the devil (symbol of evil spirit) came also with them. God saw him and asked him from whence cometh thou? The reply: From going to and fro the earth. He is never sited in a particular place. No wonder the Bible referred to him like a roaring lion looking for whom to devour.
Spiritual patterns are often negative which I call negative circles thou they are sometimes positive. These negative circles are re-occurring decimals. They can also be referred to as satanic forces.  These patterns could be marital, societal, financial, premature deaths; educational patterns etc that runs in the family from one generation to other. They could be generational curses. The bible made mention of visiting the inequities of His sons upon generations. This alone is evidence that it exists. Until you break out of these negative circles where it is affecting you, you might not be able to experience victory over that particular situation.
This circle brings stagnation, retardations, and all kinds of negative results. But I thank God for the great name; Jesus He has given to us to overcome every plans of the enemy at the mention of that name and the prevailing blood of the son.
There was a time when the children of God use to go to Jerusalem to worship but Jesus came and broke that pattern. The pattern of offering burnt sacrifices existed but it was this Jesus that changed the pattern. Patterns do exist. Those who want to break this pattern will always need to do extra. I mean go extra mile. Some family, late marriages is other but some folks say it sometimes like that. There are families who live on mortgage from one generation to the other. For some, it could be a familiar kind of sickness but the good news is that at the name of Jesus we will be able to overcome.
Breaking out of these patterns requires you to know the kinds that exist in your life or family. Hosea says my people perish for the lack of Knowledge. Patterns sometimes does not require prayer, some need mere application of knowledge. Actually, not everything requires payer some requires mere application of knowledge. Just like Jesus, He did not pray when the devil tempted three times after His forty days prayer and fasting.  Thank God for the bible that helps us to know our right in Christ. No power is able to destroy except you allow it.
Patterns are there, don’t think they otherwise. I know some folks might overlook this.


Friday, February 10, 2012


Some days back I listened to a message that has inspired me to write on the above subject.

Irrespective of our gender, age we all want to be appreciated or praised for whatever good we have done. But one thing that we must know is that it should be done at the right time and cheerfully and not out of necessity.  There is also this need for us to know when to do. 

We tend to appreciate people better when we hear of their death or see their casket at the time of eulogy.  At this point you hear people say all manner of kind words about him. Some folks write book in memory of the dead. Some write pages of praises about the dead. I tag it the wrong time because at this point it is irrelevant. Wouldn’t it be better if the person was alive to read about his praises? 

Appreciation is meant to propel a living person not the dead into doing more good. Why appreciate a dead man when he can’t tell you thanks. Imagine if he/she were there to take all the praises at this particular time, he/she certainly would be happy. I have never seen a man who hates to be praised. 

Then do it why the person is with you. We also see people cry about the death of a beloved one, spouse, brother or friend. Death can come at any time but we do not pray to die unfruitful or premature. Did you ever express love to the beloved why he was alive?  Was he valued by you while he was here with you? How did you cherish the moment you shared together or you never did. Stop waiting for people to die to show them how you care about them. You may decide to offer a befitting burial ceremony. Did you ever offer him a befitting Birthday ceremony? Now is the time.

There is this tendency of postponing our expression of gratitude. I called it wickedness. Those who do this I think them unthankful and heartless. Whoever shows us a little kindness no matter the status of the person, there is need for appreciation. Some parents are guilty of this as they often fail to appreciate their children for their good job at home.

Some people still have this character of “never showing appreciation”. They think it is not important. Unthankful nature can break a relationship. If you want to keep your relationship be thankful. Those who are thankful always get more and are happier. 

It is wrong for those around you to beg you for encomiums. Don’t let them gasps for it especially when they deserve it. Be generous with it and do it cheerfully. Do not procrastinate about it. Always do it immediately whenever you notice an act of kindness shown towards you. It opens rooms for more and releases energy for excitement.  It will make you feel great and increase your integrity. 

Do not wait for the casket to show appreciation.
Encomiums are meant for everybody irrespective of age or gender.
Always do it at the right time; never procrastinate about it.
Be generous and cheerful about it.

Precious Omoregbe

I will love to hear from you:

Thursday, February 9, 2012


Every physical temple is laid by human hands with bricks and cement etc. Yes it is usually beautiful. We all admire it. We go in there to have a worship service. That is the temple made by human (flesh). No matter how beautiful and maintained the physical temple is it will go rust someday. But there is this temple owned, furnished and well patterned/structured by God, beautiful and mobile.

Our bodies are the temple of the living God not only that, we are also Gods. Wow! TEMPLE + GOD = Divinity, that is what we are. Don't let tell you otherwise. You have being configured and structured Like a God; let us make man in our own Image and after our likeness-Just like GOD himself. What a privilege to be called his SON. His seal of SONSHIP has made us JUST like him.

Another beautiful thing about the being the temple of God is that sickness, diseases, pain and frustration can not dwell in that body because God has no relationship with the devil. The devil brings illness and anguish but Christ brings’ healing. Which would you rather choose? Even Christ advised us to choose life and blessing. For what communion has light with darkness. When Christ comes in every negative thing gives way. All you find is Joy, happiness etc. He becomes the caretaker of our body.

What makes our body the most beautiful temple?
Originally, if not for the fall of Adam, the first man there might not have a question of beautiful temple because all the temple would have being beautiful. When the bible says our body is the temple of the Lord, it is actually referring to those who are working in accordance with the scriptures, those who are born again. From the moment you give your life to Christ through faith he comes down through the Holy Spirit and fill (dominates) your body.  The Spirit now empowers you to work towards the edification of His name, Jesus.

Not until your body is the temple of the Lord you are not saved. Being saved (born again) makes you a sweet smelling savour unto God. So, all you need to do is to make that confession with your mouth and believe in your that Jesus is Lord then you will be save. Being saved is making is act of making your body the temple of the living God. IF YOU, I mean You are reading this and you are yet to Give your life to CHRIST, then u are missing a big time it is the greatest gift without a THREAT. So make up your mind today. Where do you want to spend eternity, Hell or Heaven? Don’t be deceived they are both REAL.
Your body is the temple of the Lord when you are saved.

How does this temple get stained?
“A man is tempted when he is drawn away out of his own lost”, that is what the bible says. SIN stains the temple.  If don’t run after inequity every day your life God will continue to make you beautiful. Every day you remain Holy and Faithful, He will continually beautify you.   Like Joshua I challenge you, choose you this day whom you will serve.

We often spend a lot of time feeding this physical bodies of ours neglecting the spiritual body. The physical body requires our cash, time we spend in front of the mirror and shopping and many more other activities. One question I won’t to ask is this: How many minutes do you spend with God? Folks are always in a haste to leave the presence of God because of the cares of this world. Some time we often complain of about the preceding pastor/priest of testing taking too much of out time. We no longer want to attend services more than two hours. This gradually stains the temple.


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Presious Omoregbe.

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