Recently, I was
preaching and answering questions from neighbours on some issues from the
bible then one of them asked this question, “Is smoking a sin?” I
would like to add this, “If yes, where is it written in the Bible?” I paused
for a while before continuing with Holy Spirit inspired answers I gave same day
which I will be sharing in paragraphs below. This is the same question many
smokers ask hence the “revealed truth”.
Before I proceed,
I hope you have read the part one (1) of the revealed truth and if not, click
here. For sometime I shall be revealing some truths from the bible as the
Holy Spirit Grants revelation(s).
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Higher Living says Stop Smoking. |
Whenever Satan
wants you to do anything wrong he gives you reason that makes them right before
your eyes and he positions you in the company of people who won’t see anything
wrong with it, where you will get a maximum support and thumbs up.
Let’s start by
answering the first question. Smoking is
a Sin. To the second question. It is no
where written in the bible. From Genesis to revelation, you can’t anywhere
God said or instructed, “do not smoke”.
Why and how is it then a Sin?
Every Cigarette
pack has this written on it “Smokers are liable to die young” It has being
proven that smoking leads to a lot of diseases such as cancer, and other
terminal diseases. But many have paid deaf ears and are blinded to that simple warning of early death.
The sixth
commandment in the bible says “You shall not murder.”-Exodus 20: vs 13.
– God’s commandments written by God Himself to Moses, the Israelites and to
us the present “Abrahamic” descendants. Smoking is suicide – an act of murder. If
God therefore hates – frowns at murder it also means Smoking is a SIN. Every
smoker is a potential murderer – committing suicide – SINNING against God. God
hates SIN.
The above I
believe is the biblical stand on smoking.
I will not fail to state that God is the chief judge - who sees and knows the reasons behind our actions. Some do smoke because of cold etc. but we do not have excuses for going against God's will.
Yours for the
I love comments.
Kindly drop yours below.