Friday, December 23, 2011


Are members of a church living in one accord like the first church in Antioch? I see a big difference between the church of today and that of the OLD (Jesus and the Apostles) as recorded in the BIBLE. Are we not missing it all? So many church leaders are not following the footprint of JESUS. Are they? The beauty of the church is being lost because of wrong church leaders (including some leaders without focus and vision). In our churches today let’s be careful the way we treat individuals (Rich discriminating against the poor). You are privileged by God's grace to have what you've got already. The church old shared things together. No vacuum was left thou may be created.

There is also this need for the church to begin to empower its members. That is teaching them how to fish and equip them with fishing tools. If the church empowers five in six (6) months, sooner or later in two years it should be reflecting on the church account. Do not forget in haste that those empowered within that two years should be able to empower one (1) each. They will also stand as a living proof in that church. Imagine what it means for a person to get help from a church (He automatically testifies about that church wherever he/she goes). For many churches who just to want increase their account, how much have help have you rendered to your members. Churches are suppose to empower, help you discover your purpose in life, follow your purpose and make sure you achieve goals and then the ultimate, ensure you will be seated at the right hand of God on the last day. Does it mean that this is not included in the core purpose of the Church? NO. A church were you go to and you don’t have a positive shift in your mindset either for kingdom exploits, financial exploit etc is the wrong place. Church leaders, do you think your members will make contributions in the church when they do not have enough to eat?

More painful is the fact that pastors, bishops or church leaders in general are beginning to meddle with the “well placed” in the society because of money. Some leaders will invite them for church not minding where they got their money from. Many (church leaders) say after the program they will sanctify the money with prayer to make it fit for God’s use. Have you ever considered why GOD stopped David from building him a house? Perhaps NO. Let me tell you. David hands were stained with BLOOD. Is it not funny that GOD stopped David even thou HE sent him to the battle field? That is how God hates polluted offering. Read this, a true story. A pastor saw a governor walked into his church, he immediately ask the choir to change song to “those God anointed for wealth are coming” – an Igbo song.

What do you have to say in a church where pastor has set of favourite people in his church? These set of people he gives them preferential treatment like visitation and church positions/assignments. Sometimes the amount of gift you present to him determines if you fall into this group. Should wealth be a criterion? Or is wealth now used to measure HOLINESS? Jesus never did these things. We are warned.

Please I will appreciate your response on this. Do drop a comment or send me an email.

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